This is a short film about two teenagers who started volunteer work in Children of Destiny foundation to help children who lost their parents in the hiv/aids epidemic or grew up in abusive families.
Emma and Jegor decided to make a short film about Children of destiny and Margareta. We were touched by an impressive story of these amazing children and their problems. We began shooting in Moshi Town, Tanzania but several occurred there. That’s why decided to send there a support team with co-director Tamara Sushko and a talented cameraman Rod Morris to enhance the visual effects, so that they could capture the relations between young ambitious people with children, their contribution to the fund development and also to make more touching and speactacular scenes and interviews.
Making a film, even a short one, costs a lot of money but we simply couldn’t miss an opportunity to fully realize “Children Of Destiny” The script has been written, volunteers are still working and helping Children of destiny and Margareta, taking lots of pictures.
Vaccination was made to one person (except a very important one.) accommodations were arranged, and it is almost time to actually shoot our film. We have put a lot of our own money into the project, but the fact of the matter is that we need help. We still need $9,000 to produce “Children Of Destiny” in a high-quality professional way that we believe the story deserves.
By contributing to this IndieGoGo campaign you are enabling us to: Vaccinate one person. Buy a plane ticket and pay for lodging in Moshi Town for our director and cameraman. Take care of post-production expenses including editing, music, sound mix, scoring and film festival submission.
If we can get more than the required amount of money, the extra money will be donated to the Children’s of Destiny Fund.
The core team behind this project includes: Emma Wahlberg: Producer, Creator, Writer, & Photographer