Webbon Media coordinates Swedish part of the International Character Festival Northern Character as a cross-border media-cultural collaboration in general. This is the best, largest and most unique venue in the northern regions of the globe, with a distinct of Barentian affiliation.

The festival is a meeting place for film makers and media people mostly from the northern areas.

This year’s edition showed 60 films and programs, divided into 9 categories. The biggest of them are Documentary, Short Film and Culture. There were 69 filmmakers in place representing countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Belarus, Denmark. More than 3000 viewers visited the festival within 3 days. In addition to film screenings, there was master classes, workshops, and debates on journalism crisis topic.

This year’s group was a beautiful mix of highly-trained as well as first-time filmmakers, directors, journalists, photographers, and free travelers. Several volunteer groups and useful mentoring teams were developed during the festival. Forum visitors became very useful to each other through the knowledge and discussions lust they brought to the trip.

Our role in the Swedish part of projects is funding, film selection, forming team of filmmakers, journalists who will represent their movies, follow the whole trip, arrange visa and other documents for the whole group, providing residents in Luleå and Murmansk.

Apart from the distribution of movies from the north, the purpose of these journeys is to create a forum and help people from around the world meet each other in a unique way!